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Welcome to Black Girl Wanderer

I'm Brianna, and here at BGW is where I'll give you insight into everything I know and love about travel, and the best way to experience it. My goal is to inspire women who may not know where to start, experience the joy of wanderlust too. Join the gang!

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Top 10 Apps to Use During Travel

Here's a list of the top 10 (plus a few bonus) apps I believe you should have downloaded on your phone to make travel easier! These apps...

Pura Vida! A Costa Rica Travel Guide

Costa Rica is a beautiful and vast country that I will never forget, because it's where I had one of my most adventure-filled trips to...

How to Find Cheap Flights!

Covid-19 shook up the world, but thankfully air travel has moved back to near normalcy. Despite the crazy hike in flight prices,...

A First Timer's Guide to The Big Easy

New Orleans, Louisiana is a city that I never get tired of visiting, and it's definitely in my top 3 US cities. A vibrant city full of...

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